Karan Johar To Launch Star Kid Shanaya Kapoor

Shanaya Kapoor is the daughter of Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor and was recently seen on the Netflix show The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives. There were speculations and rumors going around that Karan Johar will be launching Shanaya in a movie. But, these speculations are in fact true.

Read Also: Star Kids Launched by Karan Johar

Shanaya Kapoor’s Movie With Karan Johar

As per reports, Shanaya Kapoor will start shooting for her debut movie with Karan Johar in July. Who her co-stars will be in the movie is information that has not been released to the public quite yet.

This news follows as Shanaya joins the Karan Johar owned talent management agency, Dharma Cornerstone Agency (DCA).


Social Media Reacts

When Shanaya and Karan announced this news on their social media pages, viewers were not exactly happy with the news. There were comments around the concept of nepotism in Bollywood which went on to say that “Dcfamily is not talent squad… It jst only celebratory kid family,” and “Now, waiting for Khushi Kapoor’s debut.” [Source: Mid-Day.com]

On the contrary, there are supporters who mentioned that we should wait for the final product / movie before we pass any judgments. For all we know, the movie might just turn out good and maybe Shanaya Kapoor is a genuinely good actress, irrespective of her connections.

What are your thoughts on the star kid’s launch by the well known Bollywood director? Let us know in the comment section below!

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